How to run Turbo c in windows 7,8,8.1 using Dosbox
អ្នកប្រហែលជាបានប្រឈមនឹងការលំបាកខណៈពេលកំពុងរត់ម៉ាស៊ីនប្រើ Turbo C នៅក្នុងបង្អួច 7,8,8.1, វាគឺដោយសារតែការប្រើ Turbo C គឺមិនឆបគ្នាជាមួយនឹងប្រព័ន្ធប្រតិបត្តិការ Windows 7, ដូចដែលវាគឺជាការជាមួយនឹងកំណែមុននៃប្រព័ន្ធប្រតិបត្តិការ Windows ម៉ាស៊ីន Vista និង XP ដែរដូច។ សិស្សនិស្សិតនិងអ្នកសរសេរកម្មវិធីជាច្រើនដែលនឹងត្រូវបានប្រឈមនឹងការលំបាកក្នុងការផ្ទុកគប្រើ Turbo នៅក្នុងបង្អួច 7, ដូច្នេះនៅក្នុងប្រកាសនេះខ្ញុំនឹងបង្ហាញអ្នកពីរបៀបដើម្បីផ្ទុកប្រើ Turbo គក្នុង Windows 7,8,8.1 នេះ។
- ក្នុងគោលបំណងដើម្បីផ្ទុក turbo c
នេះជាកម្មវិធីមួយដែលបានបង្កើតជា MS-DOS compatible environment. Dosbox is
mainly used to run dos games and old applications. We will use it to run
Turbo C in windows 7,8,8.1. Download
Dosbox 0.74 and install it as you install any other software.
ឥឡូវនេះបង្កើតថតនៅក្នុងc: drive of your windows and name it as
"turbo" or any other that you feel easy and convenient, for
convenience here we will take "turbo".
- Now, copy TC folder that contains bin,source,lib etc or extract TC
installer in folder that was created in c drive in previous step i.e in
turbo folder.
- Run Dosbox from start menu or from the desktop shortcut, this will load DOS emulator and prompt will display Z:\>.
- You need to mount the folder that you had created in previous step.
that is TC folder in turbo folder, write following commands to mount it.
- Z:\> mount c c:\turbo (ឈ្មោះ"turbo"អាចប្តូរបានទៅតាមឈ្មោះដែលមានក្នុងdrive c នៃcomputerរបស់យេីង)
You would get a message that drive c is mounted as local directory c:\turbo.
- Now just type in few simple dos commands to load tc as mentioned below
This command will your present working drive from Z to C
- c:\> cd tc/bin
- c:\tc\bin:> tc
Above commands will load Turbo C++ IDE from tc/bin folder.
Configure DosBox To automatically load C++ IDE in fullscreen
- If you want TC to be loaded automatically from within DosBox when started, then perform following steps.
- Load the DosBox configuration file from the explorer, path for
configuration file may be C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.74\DOSBox 0.74
Options.សូមចូលទៅ "All
Progrmas(Start Menu) ->DosBox-0.74->Options->DOSBox 0.74 Options"
- File will open with default text editor and make follwing changes in the text file
- full screen=true
- full double=true
- full resolution=original
- window resolution=original
- After making above changes scroll down to the bottom of the file that might be showing [autoexec]
- After [autoexec] write following commands and save it to automatically load TC IDE
អ្នកគ្រាន់តែ write common ទាំងនេះនៅខាងក្រោមនៃ DOSBox 0.74 Options ដែលអ្នកកំពុងបេីក
- mount c c:\turbo
- c:
- cd tc/bin
- tc
- Now whenever you will load DosBox it will automatically load TC in fullscreen.
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